Category Archives: Announcements

Tax Revenue Per Capita

Today we improved our US state tax revenues section by adding a new variable: tax revenue per capita. Check out the map below for an example showing tax revenue per capita for tobacco products:

New Hampshire collects the most taxes on a per capita basis than any other state. Now we will have to look for data showing if high taxes on tobacco products result in lower numbers of smokers.

Operating System Market Share

One of the side benefits of running a highly trafficked global site is that we can analyze and confirm changes in the market share of PC operating systems. Here is a graph showing OS market share for the past 30 days:


OS market share 2010

The large blue slice of the pie chart corresponds to all Microsoft operating systems, while the small green slice corresponds to all Macintosh operating systems.

Contrast the graph above with a similar one for the same period in 2009:


OS market share 2009

If our visitors are representative of the overall universe of web users, it looks like Microsoft has lost significant market share to Apple.

High Cotton Prices

Cotton prices are expected to keep climbing. Excess demand over supply is the main factor. World supply is not likely to catch up soon since cotton inventories are currently low. Cotton crops in China and India have been damaged due to bad weather, and floods in Pakistan have further decreased cotton output. The major cotton producers are India, China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and the United States.

As of January 2010 the price of cotton was at 77.4 cents per pound. By October 2010 the price of cotton had climbed to 126.55 cents per pound, an increase of 63.5%. The world cotton market is valued at approximately 12 billion annually.

Cotton - Monthly Price - Commodity Prices