Category Archives: Announcements

Compare States

We launched today a new state comparison section which allows you to get high-level side by side comparisons of any two states in the United States of America. The data behind the comparisons comes from the United States Census Bureau. Here are some examples of popular comparisons:

Country Comparisons

We launched today a new country comparison section which allows you to get high-level side by side comparisons of any two countries. The data behind the comparisons comes from the World Factbook published by the US Central Intelligence Agency. Here are some examples of popular comparisons:

Note that you can compare countries for all the indicators/variables we have, or for subsets grouped by topic. Topics include economy, demographics, government, military, telecommunications, etc.

United Kingdom Facts

United Kingdom Facts

We just launched a new section with facts about the United Kingdom, its countries, and regions. We started with basic population indicators; we’ll be adding additional indicators over the coming weeks. Click on the following links to explore the thematic maps, ranking charts, and data tables we have so far:

Colombian Coal

We recently added Colombian coal to the list of commodities that we track in our commodities section. You can now analyze the average monthly price of Colombian coal for the past 30 years, as seen in the graph below.

Coal, Colombia - Monthly Price - Commodity Prices - Price Charts, Data, and News - IndexMundi

In addition to monthly price data, we also have production, consumption, exports, and imports of Colombian coal in terms of quantity, and value in dollars of Colombian coal exports and imports.

Animated Map Visualizations

You can now explore 11 years worth of changes in the demographic characteristics of all U.S. counties through our animated map visualizations. Try the following indicators:

World Tuberculosis Day

New Indicators

We added today twenty new indicators to our World Bank data set: