
Hong Kong

Home > Hong Kong > Places > Hei Tsz Wan to Hong Lok Tsuen

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Hei Tsz WanNA22.3833333114.316666713
Heung ChungNA22.35114.25
Heung Fan LiuNA22.3833333114.1666667187614
Heung Yuen WaiNA22.55114.166666740131
Hin TinNA22.3666667114.1666667144472
Hing Lung TsuenNA22.45114.1666667
Ho ChungNA22.35114.25
Ho Lek PuiNA22.5333333114.2166667
Ho Lek PuiNA22.4166667114.18333333501148
Ho PuiNA22.4166667114.06666671343
Ho Sheung HeungNA22.5166667114.11859
Ho TinNA22.4113.966666737121
Ho Tung LauNA22.4114.236118
Hoi HaNA22.4666667114.3333333
Hoi Pui LengNA22.5333333114.21962
Hok Tau PaiNA22.5166667114.183333351167
Hok Tau WaiNA22.5114.166666745148
Hok Tsui WanNA22.2166667114.25264866
Hong Kong (historical)NA22.2833333114.15110361
Hong Lok TsuenNA22.4666667114.152272

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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