

Home > Australia > Places > Blackwood to Blaxland

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
BlackwoodState of South Australia-35.0166667138.6166667274899
BlackwoodState of Victoria-37.4833333144.33333335081667
Blackwood CreekState of Tasmania-41.7333333146.9166667251823
Blackwood ForestState of Victoria-38.5145.6166667155509
Blair AtholState of New South Wales-30.65150.2281922
Blair AtholState of Queensland-22.7147.553141030
Blair HillState of New South Wales-29.9166667151.811143655
BlakeState of New South Wales-30.4166667150.13333333331093
BlakebrookState of New South Wales-28.7666667153.2333333930
BlakevilleState of Victoria-37.5166667144.21666676432110
BlakistonState of South Australia-35.05138.88333333621188
BlampiedState of Victoria-37.3666667144.055531814
Blanche TownState of South Australia-34.35139.642138
BlanchviewState of Queensland-27.5666667152.0333333270886
BlandState of New South Wales-33.9833333147.6833333230755
BlandfordState of New South Wales-31.8150.94381437
Blanket FlatState of New South Wales-34.15149.21666679122992
BlantyreState of Queensland-27.9152.6833333165541
BlaxlandState of Queensland-27.2151.31666673461135
BlaxlandState of New South Wales-33.75150.6120394

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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