

Home > Australia > Places > Sutton Forest to Swanwater West

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Sutton ForestState of New South Wales-34.5833333150.31666676622172
Sutton GrangeState of Victoria-36.9833333144.36666673111020
Sutton TownState of South Australia-37.8140.783333350164
Swan BayState of New South Wales-29.05153.3166667516
Swan CreekState of Queensland-28.2152.13333334691539
Swan HillState of Victoria-35.35143.566666772236
Swan MarshState of Victoria-38.3666667143.3833333135443
Swan ReachState of South Australia-34.5666667139.5833333620
Swan ReachState of Victoria-37.8333333147.86666671756
Swan ReachState of New South Wales-32.7333333151.6666667310
Swan ValeState of New South Wales-29.7833333151.43333337902592
Swan ViewState of Western Australia-31.8833333116.0551167
SwanbourneState of Western Australia-31.9666667115.78333331962
SwanpoolState of Victoria-36.7666667146.0166667216709
SwanportState of South Australia-35.15139.31652
SwanseaState of Tasmania-42.1308333148.06972221859
SwanseaState of New South Wales-33.0833333151.6166667
SwanseaState of New South Wales-33.0833333151.633333327
SwanwaterState of Victoria-36.4833333143.1333333152499
Swanwater WestState of Victoria-36.5333333143.0166667158518

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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