

Home > Australia > Places > Angustown to Apple Tree Flat

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
AngustownState of Victoria-36.7145.1140459
Anna BayState of New South Wales-32.7666667152.06666671136
AnnadaleState of South Australia-34.4139.333333387285
AnnaleraState of New South Wales-31.2833333143.983333386282
AnnandaleState of New South Wales-33.8833333151.16666672066
AnnuelloState of Victoria-34.85142.833333357187
AnthonyState of Queensland-27.8833333152.6666667125410
AntiguaState of Queensland-25.6333333152.650164
Antil PlainsState of Queensland-19.45146.833333341135
Antill PondsState of Tasmania-42.2147.4297974
AntwerpState of Victoria-36.3142.05122400
AnyarroState of Queensland-25.0666667151.1166667216709
ApoingaState of South Australia-33.95138.93333334661529
Apollo BayState of Victoria-38.75143.6590295
AppilaState of South Australia-33.05138.41666673611184
AppinState of New South Wales-34.2150.7833333235771
AppinState of Victoria-35.9143.866666785279
Appin SouthState of Victoria-35.9166667143.866666788289
Apple Tree CreekState of Queensland-25.2166667152.233333380262
Apple Tree FlatState of New South Wales-32.6833333149.75081667

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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