Woven pile fabrics & chenille fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), of wool/fine ...   $22,623   
Cut corduroy, of cotton   $74,599$6,812 $1,634
Warp pile fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), TpinglT (uncut), of cotton      $1,113
Warp pile fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), cut, of cotton   $62,512   
Uncut weft pile fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), of man-made fibres      $600
Cut corduroy, of man-made fibres  $12 $1,208$1,009$6,672
Weft pile fabrics other than uncut (excl. of 58.02/58.06), of man-made fibr ...$6,921   $1,280 $619
Warp pile fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), cut, of man-made fibres$1,708  $34,950$18,831 $28,889
Chenille fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), of man-made fibres  $3,396$23,518$56,969$40,660$59,882
Woven pile fabrics & chenille fabrics (excl. of 58.02/58.06), of textile ma ...$18,717$111,793$20,841$33,044$20,593$37,987$11,900