Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale. ...$30,170$7,334$48,344$27,900$26,249$125,245
Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread)$942,256$818,416$805,835$889,062$307,583$385,900
Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread)$260$45,338$11,055$18,882$1,870$17
Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more $1,080$4,738$7,919$1,419 
Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more  $80 $275 
Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale.$384$4,135$34,759$2,860$35$439
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn$250,011$439,552$436,352$557,026$241,848$444,413
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn$19,533$62,997$6,642$24,294$32,630$11,904