Pulley tackle & hoists other than skip hoists/hoists of a kind used for rai ...  $3,179  
Winches (excl. of 8425.20), powered by elec. motor; capstans, powered by el ...$7,700   $5,384
Winches (excl. of 8425.20 & 8425.31); capstans (excl. of 8425..31)$650,758$47,380$94,364$13,581$313,005
Jacks (excl. of 8425.41) & hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, hydr ...$12,718$1,255$16,897$37,928$26,740
Jacks & hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles (excl. of 8425.41 & 8425 ...$26,657$1,148$47,179$21,940$126,450