Pulley tackle & hoists other than skip hoists/hoists of a kind used for rai ...$1,117,600$889,389$3,923,862$10,348,636$2,019,285$4,039,073
Pulley tackle & hoists other than skip hoists/hoists of a kind used for rai ...$690,416$599,515$561,048$677,206$873,623$931,495
Pit-head winding gear; winches specially designed for use underground$245,389$84,272    
Winches (excl. of 8425.20), powered by elec. motor; capstans, powered by el ...$2,158,471$453,409$1,499,322$1,909,715$3,985,443$6,604,185
Winches (excl. of 8425.20 & 8425.31); capstans (excl. of 8425..31)$8,201,142$13,015,146$12,323,994$10,879,728$8,799,368$10,429,838
Built-in jacking systems of a kind used for raising vehicles, of a type use ...$1,345,804$2,726,384$8,786,822$5,117,824$4,025,784$4,107,916
Jacks (excl. of 8425.41) & hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, hydr ...$2,903,686$3,847,691$2,737,375$2,227,014$1,671,883$2,031,522
Jacks & hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles (excl. of 8425.41 & 8425 ...$5,347,406$7,195,858$11,044,868$12,494,190$7,494,432$11,037,973