Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie & sim. hand-woven rugs$2,500$22,767$105,129$20,242   
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ...    $106,044$15,687$34,011
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ...$50      
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made u ...     $11,634$13,718
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made u ...$56,454   $213  
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, ma ...    $911$2,867 
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, ma ...$293,621$6,550$600$29,821$3,162  