Cell phone companies in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan > Telecommunications

As of March 2011, the penetration rate in Kazakhstan was estimated at 111.465% over a population estimate of around 15.5 million.

Rank Operator Technology Subscribers
(in millions)
1 K-Cell GSM, UMTS 6.5 (June 2008) Fintur Holdings B.V.1 51%, KazakhTelecom 49%
2 Beeline GSM, UMTS 7.5 (May 2011) Cronwell Investment 50.01%, VimpelCom 49.99%
3 Tele2 GSM, UMTS 0.35 (May 2011) Tele2
4 Altel CdmaOne
0.2 (January 2007) KazakhTelecom 50%

1. Fintur Holdings B.V. owners are TeliaSonera 58.55% and Turkcell 41.45%

Source: Wikipedia

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