Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Czech Republic (current US$) - Country Ranking

Definition: Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors are the net disbursements of official development assistance (ODA) or official aid from the members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Net disbursements are gross disbursements of grants and loans minus repayments of principal on earlier loans. ODA consists of loans made on concessional terms (with a grant element of at least 25 percent, calculated at a rate of discount of 10 percent) and grants made to promote economic development and welfare in countries and territories in the DAC list of ODA recipients. Official aid refers to aid flows from official donors to countries and territories in part II of the DAC list of recipients: more advanced countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the countries of the former Soviet Union, and certain advanced developing countries and territories. Official aid is provided under terms and conditions similar to those for ODA. Part II of the DAC List was abolished in 2005. The collection of data on official aid and other resource flows to Part II countries ended with 2004 data. DAC members are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and European Union Institutions. Regional aggregates include data for economies not specified elsewhere. World and income group totals include aid not allocated by country or region. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Source: Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, Development Co-operation Report, and International Development Statistics database. Data

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

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Rank Country Value Year
1 Serbia 23,680,000.00 2019
2 Ethiopia 5,310,000.00 2019
3 Moldova 4,530,000.00 2019
4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,450,000.00 2019
5 Turkey 3,890,000.00 2019
6 Georgia 3,650,000.00 2019
7 Ukraine 3,200,000.00 2019
8 Jordan 2,990,000.00 2019
9 Zambia 2,510,000.00 2019
10 Iraq 2,470,000.00 2019
11 Syrian Arab Republic 2,140,000.00 2019
12 Cambodia 1,920,000.00 2019
13 Montenegro 1,580,000.00 2019
14 Mali 1,560,000.00 2019
15 Niger 1,520,000.00 2019
15 Afghanistan 1,520,000.00 2019
17 North Macedonia 1,450,000.00 2019
18 Myanmar 1,350,000.00 2019
19 Côte d'Ivoire 1,150,000.00 2017
20 Libya 1,090,000.00 2019
21 Yemen 860,000.00 2019
22 Lebanon 850,000.00 2019
23 Belarus 660,000.00 2019
24 Armenia 630,000.00 2019
25 Colombia 520,000.00 2019
26 Peru 460,000.00 2019
27 Mongolia 440,000.00 2019
28 Croatia 400,000.00 2010
29 Philippines 290,000.00 2019
29 Senegal 290,000.00 2019
31 Liberia 280,000.00 2014
31 Cuba 280,000.00 2019
33 Burkina Faso 240,000.00 2019
34 Mozambique 230,000.00 2019
34 Chad 230,000.00 2018
36 Mauritania 220,000.00 2019
36 Indonesia 220,000.00 2019
38 Ghana 180,000.00 2019
39 Kyrgyz Republic 160,000.00 2019
40 Albania 150,000.00 2019
41 Tanzania 140,000.00 2019
41 Namibia 140,000.00 2019
43 Cameroon 130,000.00 2019
43 Chile 130,000.00 2017
45 Nigeria 120,000.00 2019
45 India 120,000.00 2019
47 Sri Lanka 100,000.00 2019
48 Zimbabwe 90,000.00 2019
48 Uzbekistan 90,000.00 2019
48 Cabo Verde 90,000.00 2019
51 Azerbaijan 80,000.00 2019
52 Iran 70,000.00 2019
52 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 70,000.00 2014
54 Vietnam 60,000.00 2019
54 Uganda 60,000.00 2019
54 Dominica 60,000.00 2007
57 Brazil 50,000.00 2019
57 El Salvador 50,000.00 2019
57 Tajikistan 50,000.00 2019
57 Mexico 50,000.00 2019
61 Kenya 40,000.00 2019
61 Ecuador 40,000.00 2019
61 Nicaragua 40,000.00 2019
61 Panama 40,000.00 2019
61 China 40,000.00 2019
61 Lao PDR 40,000.00 2019
67 Honduras 30,000.00 2019
67 Malaysia 30,000.00 2019
67 Bhutan 30,000.00 2016
67 Nepal 30,000.00 2019
67 Pakistan 30,000.00 2019
67 Egypt 30,000.00 2019
67 Guyana 30,000.00 2015
67 Timor-Leste 30,000.00 2009
67 Vanuatu 30,000.00 2008
76 Tunisia 20,000.00 2019
76 Bangladesh 20,000.00 2019
76 The Gambia 20,000.00 2019
76 Guinea-Bissau 20,000.00 2009
76 Jamaica 20,000.00 2015
76 Malawi 20,000.00 2018
76 Nauru 20,000.00 2007
76 Somalia 20,000.00 2019
76 Rwanda 20,000.00 2016
76 Solomon Islands 20,000.00 2007
76 Angola 20,000.00 2019
76 Central African Republic 20,000.00 2019
76 Bolivia 20,000.00 2019
76 Djibouti 20,000.00 2015
76 Kazakhstan 20,000.00 2019
76 Dem. Rep. Congo 20,000.00 2017
76 Belize 20,000.00 2019
76 Argentina 20,000.00 2019
76 Morocco 20,000.00 2019
76 Turkmenistan 20,000.00 2016
76 Paraguay 20,000.00 2018
76 Venezuela 20,000.00 2019
98 Suriname 10,000.00 2013
98 Thailand 10,000.00 2019
98 Sudan 10,000.00 2019
98 Papua New Guinea 10,000.00 2017
98 Dem. People's Rep. Korea 10,000.00 2015
98 South Africa 10,000.00 2019
98 Benin 10,000.00 2017
98 Comoros 10,000.00 2017
98 Costa Rica 10,000.00 2018
98 Algeria 10,000.00 2019
98 St. Lucia 10,000.00 2012
98 Lesotho 10,000.00 2010
98 Antigua and Barbuda 10,000.00 2014
98 Burundi 10,000.00 2013
98 Botswana 10,000.00 2019
98 Sierra Leone 10,000.00 2017
98 Palau 10,000.00 2017
98 São Tomé and Principe 10,000.00 2009
98 Togo 10,000.00 2008
98 Haiti 10,000.00 2016
98 Guatemala 10,000.00 2019
98 Eritrea 10,000.00 2013
98 Gabon 10,000.00 2019
98 Guinea 10,000.00 2019
98 Tuvalu 10,000.00 2013
123 Uruguay 0.00 2015
123 Dominican Republic 0.00 2012
123 Congo 0.00 2019

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Limitations and Exceptions: Data exclude DAC members’ multilateral aid (contributions to the regular budgets of the multilateral institutions). However, projects executed by multilateral institutions or nongovernmental organizations on behalf of DAC members are classified as bilateral aid (since the donor country effectively controls the use of the funds) and are included in the data. Aid to unspecified economies is included in regional totals and, when possible, income group totals. Aid not allocated by country or region - including administrative costs, research on development, and aid to nongovernmental organizations - is included in the world total. Thus regional and income group totals do not sum to the world total.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has 24 members - 23 individual economies and 1 multilateral institution (European Union institutions). Data are based on donor country reports of bilateral programs, which may differ from reports by recipient countries. Recipients may lack access to information on such aid expenditures as development-oriented research, stipends and tuition costs for aid-financed students in donor countries, and payment of experts hired by donor countries. Moreover, a full accounting would include donor country contributions to multilateral institutions, the flow of resources from multilateral institutions to recipient countries, and flows from countries that are not members of DAC. Some of the aid recipients are also aid donors. Development cooperation activities by non-DAC members have increased in recent years and in some cases surpass those of individual DAC members. Some non-DAC donors report their development cooperation activities to DAC on a voluntary basis, but many do not yet report their aid flows to DAC.

Aggregation method: Sum

Periodicity: Annual