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Limestone And Dolomite Sold Or Used By Producers In The United States In 2015, By Use

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(Thousand metric tons and thousand dollars)
Limestone2 Dolomite
Use   Quantity   Value   Unit value   Quantity   Value   Unit value
Coarse aggregate (+1- inch):
Macadam 583 7,430 $12.74 W W W
Riprap and jetty stone 5,690 62,500 10.98 273 4,310 $15.79
Filter stone 1,480 15,100 10.23 24 316 13.29
Unspecified coarse aggregate 14,900 164,000 11.04 268 3,470 12.97
Coarse aggregate, graded:
Concrete aggregate, coarse 17,900 197,000 10.99 2,690 32,900 12.22
Bituminous aggregate, coarse 8,440 98,400 11.67 780 10,100 12.94
Bituminous surface-treatment aggregate 2,530 30,900 12.20 549 7,920 14.43
Railroad ballast 1,700 18,100 10.64 120 1,130 9.42
Unspecified graded coarse aggregate 73,300 992,000 13.52 4,780 59,200 12.37
Fine aggregate (- ⅜ inch):
Stone sand, concrete 1,490 16,100 10.82 W W W
Stone sand, bituminous mix or seal 3,180 34,600 10.89 861 11,000 12.75
Screening, undesignated 5,590 40,300 7.22 376 4,950 13.16
Unspecified fine aggregate 23,700 277,000 11.68 1,110 12,800 11.51
Coarse and fine aggregates:
Graded road base or subbase 39,800 311,000 7.80 1,080 8,420 7.79
Unpaved road surfacing 6,270 63,500 10.12 388 3,250 8.37
Terrazzo and exposed aggregate 122 1,570 12.81 W W W
Crusher run or fill or waste 14,000 114,000 8.15 1,320 13,200 9.99
Roofing granules 225 1,320 5.86 W W W
Unspecified coarse and fine aggregates 77,000 832,000 10.81 3,230 27,500 8.52
Unspecified and other construction materials 3,170 30,900 9.77 20 209 10.35
Agricultural limestone 7,910 72,400 9.15 572 6,260 10.96
Poultry grit and mineral food 1,180 19,600 16.67 W W W
Unspecified and other agricultural uses 376 5,610 14.93 180 12,600 70.13
Chemical and metallurgical:
Cement manufacture 76,700 407,000 5.31 -- -- --
Lime manufacture 26,200 189,000 7.22 W W W
Dead-burned dolomite manufacture -- -- -- 544 3,000 5.51
Flux stone 2,240 17,600 7.83 1,560 11,000 7.05
Chemical stone W W W -- -- --
Glass manufacture 341 6,010 17.64 -- -- --
Sulfur oxide removal 8,140 68,100 8.37 -- -- --
Mine dusting or acid water treatment 428 7,820 18.28 -- -- --
Asphalt fillers or extenders 900 12,200 13.59 -- -- --
Whiting or whiting substitute 244 4,730 19.41 -- -- --
Other fillers or extenders 2,870 28,500 9.95 24 521 22.14
Other miscellaneous uses and specified uses not listed 342 6,340 18.56 -- -- --
Reported 230,000 2,340,000 10.17 15,600 164,000 10.56
Estimated 218,000   2,170,000   9.93   7,240   87,300   12.06
Total or average   877,000   8,660,000   9.87   44,000   490,000   11.13
W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data; included in -Total or average.- -- Zero.
1Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits, except unit values; may not add to totals shown.
2Includes a minor amount of limestone-dolomite reported with no distinction between the two types of stone.
3Reported and estimated production without a breakdown by end use.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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