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Consumption And Yearend Stocks Of Copper-Base Scrap

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(Metric tons, gross weight)
-   2013   2014
Scrap type and processor   Consumption   Stocks- - Consumption   Stocks-
Unalloyed scrap:
No.1 wire and heavy:
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 18,400 860 18,100 813
Brass and wire-rod mills- 288,000 (2) 361,000 (2)
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 19,900 (2) 19,400 (2)
No. 2 mixed heavy and light:
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 61,500 1,830 61,100 2,080
Brass and wire-rod mills- 44,400 (2) 12,200 (2)
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 6,100 (2) 15,700 (2)
Total unalloyed scrap:              
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 79,900 2,690 79,200 2,890
Brass and wire-rod mills- 332,000 1,930 373,000 2,520
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 26,000 2,130 35,100 3,020
Alloyed scrap:              
Red brass:3
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 14,900 1,590 14,900 1,560
Brass mills- 10,700 (2) 12,500 (2)
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 2,320 (2) 2,400 (2)
Leaded yellow brass:
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 8,970 816 8,970 836
Brass mills- 118,000 (2) 120,000 (2)
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 642 (2) 541 (2)
Yellow and low brass, all plants 135,000 879 135,000 (2)
Cartridge cases and brass, all plants 96,400 (2) 93,300 (2)
Auto radiators:
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 15,600 653 15,600 710
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 1,900 (2) 1,900 (2)
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 9,330 613 9,310 558
Brass mills and miscellaneous manufacturers- 15,300 (2) 12,000 (2)
Nickel-copper alloys, all plants 9,540 138 10,400 98
Low grade and residues; smelters, refiners,-
miscellaneous manufacturers 22,900 609 8,890 628
Other alloy scrap:4
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 1,010 352 1,010 352
Brass mills and miscellaneous manufacturers- 5,510   (2)   5,330   (2)
Total alloyed scrap:
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 60,200 5,400 60,100 5,390
Brass mills- 369,000 1,340 368,000 1,960
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers- 38,500   1,960   24,200   1,780
Total scrap:
Smelters, refiners, and ingot makers- 140,000 8,090 139,000 8,280
Brass and wire-rod mills- 701,000 3,270 740,000 4,480
Foundries and miscellaneous manufacturers-   64,500   4,090   59,400   4,800
1Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Individual breakdown is not available; included in -Total unalloyed scrap- or -Total alloyed scrap- and -Total scrap.-
3Includes cocks and faucets, commercial bronze, composition turnings, gilding metal, railroad car boxes, and silicon
4Includes aluminum bronze, beryllium copper, and refinery brass.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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