

Home > Australia > Places > McCaftens Road to McMillans

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
McCaftens RoadState of Victoria-38.55146.2166667255837
McCraeState of Victoria-38.3497222144.9280556
McDevittState of Victoria-38.6143.56666673421122
McDonald FlatState of Queensland-22.8833333147.6666667251823
McDonalds CreekState of New South Wales-32.5833333149.55061660
McDonnell CreekState of Queensland-17.2145.91446
McHarg CreekState of South Australia-35.2833333138.73333333591178
McIlwraithState of Queensland-24.983333315261200
McKees HillState of New South Wales-28.8833333153.237121
McKenzie CreekState of Victoria-36.8142.1833333137449
McKillopState of Victoria-37.8145.4216709
McKinlayState of Queensland-21.2666667141.3173568
McLachlanState of South Australia-33.5166667135.716666793305
McLaren FlatState of South Australia-35.2166667138.583333393305
McLaren ValeState of South Australia-35.2333333138.533333380262
McLaughlins BeachState of Victoria-38.6146.8833333516
McLeans RidgesState of New South Wales-28.8153.3833333149489
McMahons CreekState of Victoria-37.7166667145.83333333301083
McMahons ReefState of New South Wales-34.6666667148.454221385
McMillansState of Victoria-35.8333333144.1582269

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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