Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie & sim. hand-woven rugs   $377 $8,303$3,998
Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir)$6,627,443$7,819,125$6,697,818$5,462,033$3,544,627$4,886,919$6,330,286
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ... $48     
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ... $11 $332$389$25,990 
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, not ma ...$154$158$846$229  $36
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, of pile construction, made u ...   $350$174  
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, no ... $34   $11,178 
Carpets & oth. textile floor coverings, woven, not of pile construction, ma ...$188$291$1,437$2,887$131$48 