Cast tube/pipe fittings (e.g., couplings, elbows, sleeves) of iron (excl. n ...$5,557     $11
Flanges of stainless steel $19,753$66$400$100$68$1,316
Threaded elbows, bends & sleeves of stainless steel $4,630$2,225    
Butt welding fittings of stainless steel $1,097$194    
Tube/pipe fittings of stainless steel (excl. of 7307.21-7307.23)   $1,870$3,384$150 
Flanges of iron/steel (excl. of cast iron/stainless steel)$649$759 $991$1,943$398$1,674
Threaded elbows, bends & sleeves of iron/steel (excl. of cast iron/stainles ...  $3,180  $3,874$443
Tube/pipe fittings of iron/steel (excl. cast iron/stainless steel; excl. of ... $77,693$111,884$34,627$12,774$386$4,181