Trigo Preço Mensal - E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica

mai 2019 - abr 2024: 72,780 (36,48%)

Descrição: Wheat, No.1 Hard Red Winter, ordinary protein, FOB Gulf of Mexico, E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica

Unidade: E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica

Fonte: Bloomberg; US Department of Agriculture; World Bank.

Veja também: Agricultural production statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 2019199,52-
jun 2019206,133,31%
jul 2019196,21-4,81%
ago 2019181,15-7,68%
set 2019189,604,66%
out 2019199,525,23%
nov 2019203,191,84%
dez 2019210,913,80%
jan 2020224,506,44%
fev 2020215,32-4,09%
mar 2020209,07-2,90%
abr 2020218,994,74%
mai 2020205,76-6,04%
jun 2020198,42-3,57%
jul 2020222,1311,95%
ago 2020223,000,39%
set 2020247,6811,07%
out 2020272,369,96%
nov 2020273,000,23%
dez 2020268,55-1,63%
jan 2021289,307,73%
fev 2021289,400,03%
mar 2021273,13-5,62%
abr 2021280,952,86%
mai 2021297,255,80%
jun 2021285,55-3,94%
jul 2021294,273,05%
ago 2021324,5210,28%
set 2021337,554,02%
out 2021354,675,07%
nov 2021379,456,99%
dez 2021376,81-0,70%
jan 2022374,24-0,68%
fev 2022390,504,34%
mar 2022486,3024,53%
abr 2022495,281,85%
mai 2022522,295,45%
jun 2022459,59-12,00%
jul 2022382,50-16,77%
ago 2022382,860,09%
set 2022419,149,48%
out 2022437,954,49%
nov 2022422,68-3,49%
dez 2022386,33-8,60%
jan 2023380,36-1,55%
fev 2023394,753,78%
mar 2023369,86-6,31%
abr 2023378,182,25%
mai 2023367,74-2,76%
jun 2023345,50-6,05%
jul 2023345,500,00%
ago 2023315,82-8,59%
set 2023314,68-0,36%
out 2023298,10-5,27%
nov 2023283,55-4,88%
dez 2023291,122,67%
jan 2024283,91-2,48%
fev 2024278,50-1,91%
mar 2024274,83-1,32%
abr 2024272,30-0,92%
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