Couro Preço Mensal - centavos de dólar americano por libra

mai 2019 - abr 2024: 16,620 (40,54%)

Descrição: Hides, Heavy native steers, over 53 pounds, wholesale dealer's price, US, Chicago, fob Shipping Point, centavos de dólar americano por libra

Unidade: centavos de dólar americano por libra

Fonte: International Monetary Fund

Veja também: Agricultural production statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 201941,00-
jun 201934,00-17,07%
jul 201933,65-1,03%
ago 201935,686,03%
set 201938,156,92%
out 201939,002,23%
nov 201938,68-0,82%
dez 201937,98-1,81%
jan 202039,213,24%
fev 202040,132,35%
mar 202038,05-5,18%
abr 202031,20-18,00%
mai 202024,48-21,54%
jun 202024,500,08%
jul 202025,002,04%
ago 202026,716,84%
set 202029,8211,64%
out 202034,4515,53%
nov 202035,934,30%
dez 202041,2314,75%
jan 202135,67-13,49%
fev 202136,061,09%
mar 202141,9916,44%
abr 202141,44-1,31%
mai 202140,17-3,06%
jun 202139,73-1,10%
jul 202150,6527,49%
ago 202154,728,04%
set 202157,024,20%
out 202156,74-0,49%
nov 202157,120,67%
dez 202157,731,07%
jan 202258,581,47%
fev 202258,660,14%
mar 202256,92-2,97%
abr 202257,400,84%
mai 202257,26-0,24%
jun 202258,442,06%
jul 202256,47-3,37%
ago 202258,233,12%
set 202256,05-3,74%
out 202256,130,14%
nov 202258,313,88%
dez 202258,22-0,15%
jan 202359,221,72%
fev 202357,45-2,99%
mar 202359,072,82%
abr 202360,652,67%
mai 202358,52-3,51%
jun 202360,102,70%
jul 202360,380,47%
ago 202357,76-4,34%
set 202357,26-0,87%
out 202356,64-1,08%
nov 202358,012,42%
dez 202358,540,91%
jan 202458,49-0,09%
fev 202457,86-1,08%
mar 202458,881,76%
abr 202457,62-2,14%
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