Milho vs Soja - Price Rate of Change Comparison

Correlation coefficient: 0,096509

Descrição: Monthly comparison between the rate of change in the price of Milho versus the rate of change in the price of Soja

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Fonte: US Department of Agriculture; World Bank.

Veja também: Agricultural production statistics

MêsMilho Price (Real brasileiro por Tonelada)Soja Price (Real brasileiro por Tonelada)Milho ROCSoja ROCMilho / Soja Price Ratio
nov 20231.034,872.709,15--0,3820
dez 20231.014,492.688,74-1,97%-0,75%0,3773
jan 2024976,342.690,70-3,76%0,07%0,3629
fev 2024938,862.580,10-3,84%-4,11%0,3639
mar 2024949,282.428,311,11%-5,88%0,3909
abr 2024982,872.447,833,54%0,80%0,4015
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