Lã fina Preço Mensal - Real brasileiro por Quilograma

mai 2009 - abr 2024: 31,709 (200,94%)

Descrição: Wool, fine, 19 micron, Australian Wool Exchange spot quote, Real brasileiro por Quilograma

Unidade: Real brasileiro por Quilograma

Fonte: International Monetary Fund

Veja também: Agricultural production statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 200915,78-
jun 200914,52-7,98%
jul 200914,781,81%
ago 200915,172,58%
set 200915,804,19%
out 200916,423,88%
nov 200916,450,20%
dez 200916,953,03%
jan 201017,784,92%
fev 201017,961,04%
mar 201017,93-0,17%
abr 201017,44-2,75%
mai 201016,57-4,96%
jun 201016,620,29%
jul 201016,26-2,17%
ago 201016,461,20%
set 201017,013,32%
out 201018,196,98%
nov 201020,009,96%
dez 201021,497,41%
jan 201125,9320,67%
fev 201127,245,05%
mar 201128,253,70%
abr 201127,76-1,70%
mai 201128,914,12%
jun 201129,612,42%
jul 201127,77-6,21%
ago 201126,42-4,87%
set 201127,694,83%
out 201125,47-8,01%
nov 201126,062,32%
dez 201126,341,07%
jan 201226,912,16%
fev 201226,84-0,26%
mar 201227,562,68%
abr 201226,59-3,51%
mai 201226,45-0,54%
jun 201226,32-0,48%
jul 201226,330,03%
ago 201224,20-8,09%
set 201223,32-3,65%
out 201224,464,92%
nov 201225,925,96%
dez 201228,218,84%
jan 201328,320,37%
fev 201327,12-4,21%
mar 201326,24-3,27%
abr 201324,21-7,74%
mai 201323,50-2,93%
jun 201324,243,15%
jul 201323,05-4,93%
ago 201324,104,58%
set 201326,359,33%
out 201326,30-0,17%
nov 201327,233,51%
dez 201328,113,23%
jan 201427,32-2,79%
fev 201426,71-2,25%
mar 201425,13-5,91%
abr 201424,31-3,24%
mai 201424,370,21%
jun 201424,03-1,37%
jul 201423,95-0,34%
ago 201424,281,36%
set 201424,591,28%
out 201425,584,05%
nov 201426,533,71%
dez 201426,690,61%
jan 201525,47-4,60%
fev 201526,564,27%
mar 201528,938,94%
abr 201530,395,04%
mai 201534,0111,93%
jun 201535,775,16%
jul 201532,86-8,14%
ago 201535,829,00%
set 201537,625,02%
out 201537,15-1,24%
nov 201537,942,13%
dez 201539,694,60%
jan 201641,003,30%
fev 201640,38-1,52%
mar 201638,60-4,40%
abr 201638,830,61%
mai 201638,71-0,31%
jun 201637,76-2,47%
jul 201637,28-1,26%
ago 201636,64-1,72%
set 201637,351,95%
out 201637,851,33%
nov 201639,604,63%
dez 201640,552,41%
jan 201741,843,18%
fev 201742,401,34%
mar 201745,437,15%
abr 201743,91-3,36%
mai 201745,934,60%
jun 201746,200,60%
jul 201745,11-2,36%
ago 201746,312,65%
set 201744,78-3,30%
out 201746,574,00%
nov 201749,526,34%
dez 201751,283,54%
jan 201854,536,35%
fev 201854,570,06%
mar 201852,72-3,39%
abr 201854,483,35%
mai 201859,889,91%
jun 201865,589,52%
jul 201864,60-1,50%
ago 201868,375,84%
set 201871,905,16%
out 201862,09-13,64%
nov 201859,22-4,63%
dez 201862,305,20%
jan 201961,54-1,21%
fev 201962,902,21%
mar 201963,861,52%
abr 201963,76-0,16%
mai 201962,38-2,15%
jun 201956,77-9,00%
jul 201953,58-5,62%
ago 201949,25-8,08%
set 201948,51-1,51%
out 201949,762,59%
nov 201950,611,70%
dez 201949,73-1,74%
jan 202052,064,67%
fev 202053,152,11%
mar 202052,06-2,06%
abr 202049,91-4,12%
mai 202050,841,85%
jun 202047,73-6,10%
jul 202047,27-0,98%
ago 202043,75-7,43%
set 202039,24-10,32%
out 202052,5133,83%
nov 202054,894,53%
dez 202053,73-2,12%
jan 202159,1610,11%
fev 202166,3612,18%
mar 202168,983,94%
abr 202168,09-1,29%
mai 202166,59-2,20%
jun 202167,261,01%
jul 202167,630,55%
ago 202163,99-5,39%
set 202164,340,56%
out 202167,985,66%
nov 202166,43-2,28%
dez 202167,651,84%
jan 202267,820,25%
fev 202264,24-5,28%
mar 202262,04-3,42%
abr 202259,17-4,63%
mai 202261,083,23%
jun 202263,053,22%
jul 202262,10-1,49%
ago 202257,84-6,86%
set 202255,84-3,47%
out 202252,78-5,48%
nov 202253,751,84%
dez 202255,643,52%
jan 202360,067,95%
fev 202361,662,66%
mar 202358,75-4,73%
abr 202354,53-7,17%
mai 202352,25-4,18%
jun 202347,65-8,81%
jul 202347,62-0,07%
ago 202345,72-3,97%
set 202344,85-1,91%
out 202345,230,85%
nov 202345,610,84%
dez 202348,305,90%
jan 202447,68-1,28%
fev 202445,73-4,10%
mar 202446,501,69%
abr 202447,492,13%
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