Algodão Preço Diário


Average spot price in US cents per Pound for Upland cotton (color 41, leaf 4, staple 34)
As of: sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2024
Fonte: USDA Market News

Algodão vs Soja - Price Rate of Change Comparison

Correlation coefficient: -0,301869

Descrição: Monthly comparison between the rate of change in the price of Algodão versus the rate of change in the price of Soja

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Fonte: Cotton Outlook; International Cotton Advisory Committee; Liverpool Cotton Services Ltd.; World Bank.

Veja também: Agricultural production statistics

MêsAlgodão Price (centavos de dólar americano por libra)Soja Price (E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica)Algodão ROCSoja ROCAlgodão / Soja Price Ratio
nov 20231,99553,05--0,0036
dez 20232,00547,430,50%-1,02%0,0037
jan 20242,03547,381,50%-0,01%0,0037
fev 20242,20519,758,37%-5,05%0,0042
mar 20242,20487,490,00%-6,21%0,0045
abr 20241,99477,30-9,55%-2,09%0,0042
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