Açúcar Preço Mensal - Real brasileiro por Quilograma

mai 2014 - abr 2024: 1,419 (159,71%)

Descrição: Sugar, Free Market, Coffee Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE) contract no.11 nearest future position, Real brasileiro por Quilograma

Unidade: Real brasileiro por Quilograma

Fonte: International Sugar Organization; Thomson Reuters Datastream; World Bank.

Veja também: Agricultural production statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 2014,89-
jun 2014,900,80%
jul 2014,89-0,80%
ago 2014,86-2,96%
set 2014,81-5,55%
out 2014,9111,31%
nov 2014,921,11%
dez 2014,90-2,35%
jan 2015,900,03%
fev 2015,900,23%
mar 2015,900,58%
abr 2015,88-2,31%
mai 2015,890,36%
jun 2015,84-4,95%
jul 2015,907,01%
ago 2015,88-2,73%
set 20151,0115,54%
out 20151,2019,07%
nov 20151,210,55%
dez 20151,242,21%
jan 20161,251,31%
fev 20161,15-8,24%
mar 20161,2710,09%
abr 20161,21-4,21%
mai 20161,3410,53%
jun 20161,4810,62%
jul 20161,41-5,07%
ago 20161,410,18%
set 20161,538,43%
out 20161,562,12%
nov 20161,50-4,10%
dez 20161,38-8,00%
jan 20171,444,62%
fev 20171,40-3,10%
mar 20171,25-10,61%
abr 20171,13-9,68%
mai 20171,12-0,62%
jun 20171,02-9,01%
jul 20171,030,61%
ago 20171,01-1,83%
set 20171,00-0,53%
out 20171,021,59%
nov 20171,085,74%
dez 20171,05-2,25%
jan 20181,00-5,19%
fev 2018,97-2,58%
mar 2018,92-5,59%
abr 2018,920,22%
mai 2018,986,59%
jun 20181,067,65%
jul 2018,99-5,80%
ago 2018,94-5,17%
set 20181,039,10%
out 20181,095,92%
nov 20181,06-2,78%
dez 20181,092,72%
jan 20191,05-3,78%
fev 20191,083,10%
mar 20191,08-0,25%
abr 20191,091,29%
mai 20191,08-0,99%
jun 20191,080,03%
jul 20191,06-2,09%
ago 20191,092,61%
set 20191,07-1,32%
out 20191,146,90%
nov 20191,161,40%
dez 20191,246,42%
jan 20201,294,08%
fev 20201,4311,45%
mar 20201,27-11,39%
abr 20201,22-3,54%
mai 20201,3610,75%
jun 20201,413,72%
jul 20201,421,25%
ago 20201,5811,18%
set 20201,51-4,44%
out 20201,6911,52%
nov 20201,68-0,21%
dez 20201,59-5,59%
jan 20211,8214,62%
fev 20211,956,99%
mar 20211,92-1,55%
abr 20212,004,31%
mai 20212,010,51%
jun 20211,91-5,08%
jul 20212,015,49%
ago 20212,2612,06%
set 20212,281,00%
out 20212,332,05%
nov 20212,392,62%
dez 20212,38-0,53%
jan 20222,22-6,70%
fev 20222,03-8,47%
mar 20222,103,44%
abr 20222,05-2,38%
mai 20222,154,73%
jun 20222,11-1,50%
jul 20222,151,64%
ago 20222,01-6,61%
set 20222,041,72%
out 20222,050,41%
nov 20222,165,43%
dez 20222,201,98%
jan 20232,19-0,79%
fev 20232,336,49%
mar 20232,350,92%
abr 20232,6613,28%
mai 20232,794,75%
jun 20232,62-5,96%
jul 20232,50-4,73%
ago 20232,604,09%
set 20232,8710,30%
out 20232,880,61%
nov 20232,79-3,17%
dez 20232,36-15,57%
jan 20242,360,08%
fev 20242,485,19%
mar 20242,39-3,67%
abr 20242,31-3,48%
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