Maíz Precio Diario


Maize (corn), U.S. No. 2 Yellow, FOB Gulf of Mexico, U.S. price, US$ per metric ton
Price in US$ per bushel: 3,82
As of: viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020
Fuente: USDA Market News

Maíz / Soja Price Ratio

may. 2023 - abr. 2024: -0,049 (-10,90 %)

Descripción: Monthly ratio of the price of Maíz divided by the price of Soja

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Fuente: US Department of Agriculture; World Bank.

Ver también: Agricultural production statistics

MesMaíz Price (Dólares americanos por tonelada métrica)Soja Price (Dólares americanos por tonelada métrica)Maíz ROCSoja ROCMaíz / Soja Price Ratio
may. 2023268,14595,00--0,4507
jun. 2023266,87591,89-0,47 %-0,52 %0,4509
jul. 2023242,38633,85-9,18 %7,09 %0,3824
ago. 2023207,61583,93-14,35 %-7,88 %0,3555
sep. 2023223,81619,047,80 %6,01 %0,3615
oct. 2023230,70529,573,08 %-14,45 %0,4356
nov. 2023211,26553,05-8,43 %4,43 %0,3820
dic. 2023206,55547,43-2,23 %-1,02 %0,3773
ene. 2024198,62547,38-3,84 %-0,01 %0,3629
feb. 2024189,13519,75-4,78 %-5,05 %0,3639
mar. 2024190,57487,490,76 %-6,21 %0,3909
abr. 2024191,65477,300,57 %-2,09 %0,4015
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