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Cobalt: World Mine Production, By Country

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(Metric tons, cobalt content)
Country3   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015e  
Australia4 3,848   5,870   6,410   5,978   6,000  
Botswana5 149 195 248 196 316 6
Brazil 3,623 2,900 3,500 3,828 r, p 3,800
Canada7 6,836 6,676 7,168 6,907 r 6,904 p, 6
Chinae 6,800 7,500 7,200 7,700 r 7,700
Congo (Kinshasa)e, 8 59,000 52,000 r 56,000 61,000 r 63,000
Cubae, 9 5,100 4,900 4,200 3,700 4,300
Finlande 500 635 750 770 440
Indonesiae, 10 1,600 1,700 1,700 1,300 1,300
Madagascare, 11 500 630 2,200 3,100 3,700
Moroccoe, 12 2,160 2,000 2,000 2,150 r 2,600
New Caledoniae, 13 3,100 2,670 3,190 4,040 3,680
Papua New Guinea14 -- 469 1,013 2,134 2,505 6
Philippinese, 15 2,000 2,700 2,800 r 4,600 4,300
Russiae, 16 6,100 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,200
South Africae 1,600 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000
United Statese, 16, 17 -- -- -- 120 760
Vietnam -- -- 25 e 223 277 6
Zambia18 7,702 5,435 5,919 4,600 r, e 4,600
Zimbabwe19 174 195 319 358 360
Totale   111,000   105,000 r 114,000   122,000 r 126,000  
eEstimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero.
1Totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Includes data available through May 24, 2017. Figures represent recoverable cobalt content of ores, concentrates, or intermediate-
products from cobalt, copper, nickel, platinum, or zinc operations.-
3In addition to the countries listed, Spain and Turkey are known to produce ores that contain cobalt, but information is inadequate-
to make reliable estimates of production. Poland produced copper ore containing 1,500 to 5,000 metric tons per year of cobalt,-
which was not recovered. Other copper-, nickel-, platinum-, or zinc-producing nations may also produce ores containing cobalt-
as a byproduct component, but recovery is small or nil.
4Cobalt content of lateritic nickel ore and nickel concentrate reported by the government of Western Australia.-
5Reported cobalt content of pelletized nickel-copper matte.
6Reported figure.
7Assay content of cobalt in concentrates produced.-
8Cobalt content of concentrates, tailings, and slags.-
9Determined from reported cobalt content of nickel-cobalt sulfide production and estimated cobalt content of ammoniacal-
liquor production.
10Cobalt content of nickel matte plus estimated cobalt in lateritic ore processed in Australia.
11Data for 2012−15 are estimated cobalt content of reported mixed sulfide production.
12Cobalt content of concentrate estimated from reported gross weight.
13Cobalt contained in the following materials: cobalt chloride produced in France from New Caledonian matte, cobalt carbonate-
and nickel hydroxide produced in New Caledonia, and lateritic nickel ore exported to Australia.
14Cobalt content of nickel-cobalt hydroxide.
15Cobalt contained in the following materials: nickel-cobalt sulfide produced in the Philippines and lateritic nickel ore exported
to Australia.
16Cobalt content of concentrates.
17Negligible production prior to 2014.
18Data for 2011−13 were reported by the Bank of Zambia.
19Data for 2011-14 were reported by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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