

Home > Cambodia > Places > Phumi Sre Snao to Phumi Sre Traok

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Phumi Sre SnaoKhett Kracheh13106.216666768223
Phumi Sre SramarKhett Kampong Thum12.7333333105.1539128
Phumi Sre SvayKhett Kracheh12.9833333106.255180
Phumi Sre Ta ChanKhett Stoeng Treng13.45106.316666788289
Phumi Sre Ta PanKhett Stoeng Treng13.5666667106.066666758190
Phumi Sre Ta SaomKhett Kampong Chhnang12.1833333104.5532105
Phumi Sre Tang YoKhett Pouthisat12.3833333103.2666667212696
Phumi Sre TanoengKhett Kracheh12.85106.166666764210
Phumi Sre ThlokKirirom11.3833333104.683333331102
Phumi Sre ThlokKhett Kampong Spoe11.3833333104.683333331102
Phumi Sre ThmeiKhett Kaoh Kong11.55103.0333333413
Phumi Sre ThmeiKhett Stoeng Treng13.6166667106.3598322
Phumi Sre ThumKhett Kracheh12.1106.283333365213
Phumi Sre ThumKhett Kampot10.7666667103.86666671446
Phumi Sre TnaotKhett Kracheh12.9333333106.466666772236
Phumi Sre TnaotKhett Mondol Kiri13.1666667106.433333393305
Phumi Sre TrabekKirirom11.4104.516666744144
Phumi Sre TrabekKhett Kampong Spoe11.4104.516666744144
Phumi Sre TraokKirirom11.1666667104.533333342138
Phumi Sre TraokKhett Kampong Spoe11.1666667104.533333342138

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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