

Home > Cambodia > Places > Phumi Khpob to Phumi Khsach Lob

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Phumi KhpobNA11.25105.0333333723
Phumi KhpobNA11105.06666671136
Phumi Khpob (1)Khett Prey Veng11.0166667105.2166667516
Phumi Khpob (2)NA11105.06666671136
Phumi Khpob A Teav (1)NA11.0666667105.2723
Phumi Khpob KraomKhett Kampong Cham12.2666667105.66666671136
Phumi Khpob RunKhett Kampot11.05104.483333342138
Phumi Khpob SnengKhett Kampong Cham11.9105.41666671652
Phumi Khpob SvayKhett Kampot11.1166667104.466666744144
Phumi Khpob VengKhett Kampot10.7104.1666667413
Phumi Khpob VengNA11.4666667104.96666671549
Phumi KhsaKhett Kracheh12.4666667106.152995
Phumi KhsachKhett Siem Reab13.5833333103.41666671652
Phumi KhsachKhet Siemreab-Otar Meanchey13.5833333103.41666671652
Phumi KhsachNA11.55104.9833333620
Phumi Khsach BarayKhett Kracheh12.8166667105.93333332892
Phumi Khsach KrahamKhett Kaoh Kong11.1103.61446
Phumi Khsach LeavKhett Kracheh13.0666667106.016666746151
Phumi Khsach L'etKhett Kampong Thum12.4666667105.08333331343
Phumi Khsach LobKhett Takev11.2666667104.81962

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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