

Home > Cambodia > Places > Khum Preah Ponlea to Khum Roka Ar

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Khum Preah PonleaKhett Svay Rieng11105.8666667723
Khum Preah PrasabNA11.7833333105.03333331136
Khum Prek AmpilNA11.6333333104.9666667930
Khum Prek DambokKhett Kampong Cham11.8833333105.16666671136
Khum Prek HluongNA11.6333333104.9500
Khum Prek KoyNA11.8833333104.98333331033
Khum Prek LeabNA11.6333333104.9166667826
Khum Prek PnouNA11.65104.86666671136
Khum Prek Ta SarNA11.5333333105.1666667723
Khum Prek TasekNA11.6166667104.91666671136
Khum Prek TatinNA11.7333333104.8166667826
Khum Prey ChhoKhett Prey Veng11.15105.6620
Khum Prey NheatKirirom11.35104.666666742138
Khum Prey NheatKhett Kampong Spoe11.35104.666666742138
Khum Prey PuochNA11.4666667104.71666672272
Khum Prey SnietKhett Prey Veng11.6333333105.23333331652
Khum Prey ThumKhett Svay Rieng10.9666667105.8833333516
Khum Puk RoesseiNA11.7104.9666667413
Khum ReabKhett Prey Veng11.65105.21343
Khum Roka ArKhett Kampong Cham11.8666667105.11666671239

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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