

Home > Cambodia > Places > Phumi Beng (2) to Phumi Boeng (1)

PlaceStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Phumi Beng (2)Khet Siemreab-Otar Meanchey13.1833333104.31666671962
Phumi Bes PheKhett Kampong Chhnang12.35104.516666732105
Phumi Bet MeasKhett Siem Reab13.3166667104.13333333098
Phumi Bet MeasKhet Siemreab-Otar Meanchey13.3166667104.13333333098
Phumi Bet MeasKhett Prey Veng11.4666667105.48333331239
Phumi BoengKhett Prey Veng11.5833333105.4930
Phumi BoengKhett Preah Vihear14.1833333104.589292
Phumi BoengKhett Pouthisat12.55104.08333332169
Phumi BoengKhett Kampong Thum13.4105.116666748157
Phumi BoengKhett Preah Vihear13.5166667105.266666747154
Phumi BoengKhett Batdambang13.3833333102.86666672066
Phumi BoengKhett Preah Vihear13.6333333104.866666795312
Phumi BoengKhett Kampong Thum13.0833333105.3666667102335
Phumi BoengKhett Siem Reab13.25104.11652
Phumi BoengKhet Siemreab-Otar Meanchey13.25104.11652
Phumi BoengKhett Takev11104.75723
Phumi Boeng (1)Khett Prey Veng11.3333333105.6333333826
Phumi Boeng (1)Khett Siem Reab13.3166667103.86666671136
Phumi Boeng (1)Khet Siemreab-Otar Meanchey13.3166667103.86666671136
Phumi Boeng (1)Kirirom11.2166667104.644144

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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