Cell phone companies in Tajikistan

Tajikistan > Telecommunications

As of 2010, Tajikistan has an estimated 4.5 million subscribers in total, a 42% penetration rate.

The Telecom Regulator is the Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA).

Rank Operator Technology Subscribers
(in millions)
1 Babilon Mobile GSM 0.8 (March 2008)
2 Somoncom GSM
0.205 (May 2007) TeliaSonera (59.45%)
3 Beeline GSM 0.836 (May 2011) Tacom (100%: VimpelCom (60%))
4 Indigo GSM
0.172 (May 2007) TeliaSonera (60%)
5 MLT GSM 0.517 (May 2011) Megafon (75%)

Source: Wikipedia

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