Gasolina Preço Diário


New York Harbor Conventional Gasoline Regular Spot Price FOB, US$ per gallon
As of: terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2023
Fonte: US Energy Information Administration

Gasolina vs Petróleo bruto Brent - Price Rate of Change Comparison

Correlation coefficient: 0,791718

Descrição: Monthly comparison between the rate of change in the price of Gasolina versus the rate of change in the price of Petróleo bruto Brent

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Fonte: Energy Information Administration

Veja também: Energy production and consumption statistics

MêsGasolina Price (E.U. dólares por galão)Petróleo bruto Brent Price (E.U. dólares por barril)Gasolina ROCPetróleo bruto Brent ROCGasolina / Petróleo bruto Brent Price Ratio
nov 20232,3183,18--0,0277
dez 20232,2377,86-3,47%-6,40%0,0286
jan 20242,2480,230,81%3,04%0,0280
fev 20242,3383,763,65%4,40%0,0278
mar 20242,4885,456,62%2,02%0,0290
abr 20242,7590,0510,85%5,38%0,0305
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