Carvão Sul Africano Preço Mensal - Euro por Tonelada

mai 2019 - abr 2024: 36,146 (58,65%)

Descrição: Carvão, preço de exportação Sul Africano, Euro por Tonelada

Unidade: Euro por Tonelada

Fonte: Bloomberg; International Coal Report; Coal Week International; Coal Week; World Bank.

Veja também: Energy production and consumption statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 201961,63-
jun 201955,73-9,57%
jul 201958,665,26%
ago 201954,31-7,41%
set 201955,762,67%
out 201961,029,42%
nov 201966,589,13%
dez 201968,442,79%
jan 202073,958,04%
fev 202073,33-0,84%
mar 202061,39-16,29%
abr 202052,07-15,17%
mai 202052,681,16%
jun 202050,48-4,17%
jul 202049,31-2,32%
ago 202048,51-1,62%
set 202048,750,50%
out 202051,846,34%
nov 202058,6913,21%
dez 202070,1219,48%
jan 202171,331,72%
fev 202168,42-4,08%
mar 202176,2011,36%
abr 202174,41-2,34%
mai 202181,799,91%
jun 202193,7414,62%
jul 2021103,5010,41%
ago 2021117,1613,20%
set 2021124,246,04%
out 2021172,0738,50%
nov 2021112,00-34,91%
dez 2021126,1312,61%
jan 2022148,9918,12%
fev 2022173,1716,23%
mar 2022267,2054,30%
abr 2022279,124,46%
mai 2022264,93-5,08%
jun 2022275,734,08%
jul 2022264,74-3,99%
ago 2022271,182,43%
set 2022237,35-12,48%
out 2022194,50-18,05%
nov 2022166,15-14,58%
dez 2022203,3022,36%
jan 2023159,71-21,44%
fev 2023135,00-15,47%
mar 2023127,83-5,31%
abr 2023121,95-4,60%
mai 202394,72-22,33%
jun 202390,98-3,95%
jul 202387,37-3,97%
ago 202389,472,41%
set 202393,514,52%
out 2023121,5529,98%
nov 2023100,90-16,98%
dez 2023100,12-0,78%
jan 202497,91-2,21%
fev 202497,44-0,48%
mar 202496,43-1,03%
abr 202497,781,40%
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