Carvão Sul Africano Preço Mensal - E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica

mai 2019 - abr 2024: 35,960 (52,17%)

Descrição: Carvão, preço de exportação Sul Africano, E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica

Unidade: E.U. dólares por tonelada métrica

Fonte: Bloomberg; International Coal Report; Coal Week International; Coal Week; World Bank.

Veja também: Energy production and consumption statistics

MêsPreçoTaxa de variação
mai 201968,93-
jun 201962,94-8,69%
jul 201965,794,53%
ago 201960,43-8,15%
set 201961,371,56%
out 201967,449,89%
nov 201973,629,16%
dez 201976,033,27%
jan 202082,097,97%
fev 202079,99-2,56%
mar 202067,89-15,13%
abr 202056,58-16,66%
mai 202057,421,48%
jun 202056,81-1,06%
jul 202056,60-0,37%
ago 202057,381,38%
set 202057,470,16%
out 202061,046,21%
nov 202069,4313,75%
dez 202085,1822,68%
jan 202186,851,96%
fev 202182,76-4,71%
mar 202190,669,55%
abr 202189,13-1,69%
mai 202199,3111,42%
jun 2021112,9213,70%
jul 2021122,338,33%
ago 2021137,9212,74%
set 2021146,055,89%
out 2021199,6536,70%
nov 2021128,00-35,89%
dez 2021142,5011,33%
jan 2022168,5018,25%
fev 2022196,4016,56%
mar 2022294,4249,91%
abr 2022302,002,57%
mai 2022280,00-7,28%
jun 2022291,364,06%
jul 2022269,09-7,64%
ago 2022274,622,06%
set 2022234,98-14,43%
out 2022191,22-18,62%
nov 2022169,10-11,57%
dez 2022215,0027,14%
jan 2023172,00-20,00%
fev 2023144,67-15,89%
mar 2023136,84-5,41%
abr 2023133,75-2,26%
mai 2023103,00-22,99%
jun 202398,58-4,29%
jul 202396,75-1,86%
ago 202397,600,88%
set 202399,852,31%
out 2023128,4028,59%
nov 2023109,00-15,11%
dez 2023108,83-0,16%
jan 2024106,75-1,91%
fev 2024105,19-1,46%
mar 2024104,84-0,33%
abr 2024104,890,05%
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