Flag of Cuba

Cuba Perfil Telecomunicações

Início > Cuba

Telefones - linhas telefônicas terrestres no uso
total subscriptions: 1,349,188
subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 12 (2017 est.)
Telefones - linhas móveis (celular)
total subscriptions: 4,613,782
subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 41 (2017 est.)
Código de país do Internet
Número de usuários do Internet
total: 4.334,022
percent of population: 38.8% (July 2016 est.)

note: private citizens are prohibited from buying computers or accessing the Internet without special authorization; foreigners may access the Internet in large hotels but are subject to firewalls; some Cubans buy illegal passwords on the black market or take advantage of public outlets to access limited email and the government-controlled "intranet"

Fonte: CIA World Factbook
A menos que indicado de outra maneira, toda a informação en esta página es correta até 31 de dezembro de 2019