
Tunesië Hoofdstad

Tunesië > Gouvernement


name: Tunis
geographic coordinates: 36 48 N, 10 11 E
time difference: UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
etymology: three possibilities exist for the derivation of the name; originally a Berber settlement (earliest reference 4th century B.C.), the strategic site fell to the Carthaginians (Phoenicians) and the city could be named after the Punic goddess Tanit, since many ancient cities were named after patron deities; alternatively, the Berber root word "ens," which means "to lie down" or "to pass the night," may indicate that the site was originally a camp or rest stop; finally, the name may be the same as the city of Tynes, mentioned in the writings of some ancient authors

Definitie: Dit item geeft de naam van de zetel van de overheid, de geografische coördinaten , het tijdsverschil ten opzichte van Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) en de tijd die is waargenomen in Washington, DC en, indien van toepassing, informatie over zomertijd (DST) . Waar nodig is een speciale notitie toegevoegd om die landen met meerdere tijdzones te markeren.

Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019

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