
Portugal Hoofdstad

Portugal > Gouvernement


name: Lisbon
geographic coordinates: 38 43 N, 9 08 W
time difference: UTC 0 (5 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October

note: Portugal has two time zones, including the Azores (UTC-1)

etymology: Lisbon is one of Europe's oldest cities (the second oldest capital city after Athens) and the origin of the name is lost in time; it may have been founded as an ancient Celtic settlement that subsequently maintained close commercial relations with the Phoenicians (beginning about 1200 B.C.); the name of the settlement may have been derived from the pre-Roman appellation for the Tagus River that runs through the city, Lisso or Lucio; the Romans named the city "Olisippo" when they took it from the Carthaginians in 205 B.C.; under the Visigoths the city name became "Ulixbona," under the Arabs it was "al-Ushbuna"; the medieval version of "Lissabona" became today's Lisboa

Definitie: Dit item geeft de naam van de zetel van de overheid, de geografische coördinaten , het tijdsverschil ten opzichte van Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) en de tijd die is waargenomen in Washington, DC en, indien van toepassing, informatie over zomertijd (DST) . Waar nodig is een speciale notitie toegevoegd om die landen met meerdere tijdzones te markeren.

Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019

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