
India Hoofdstad

India > Gouvernement


name: New Delhi
geographic coordinates: 28 36 N, 77 12 E
time difference: UTC+5.5 (10.5 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
etymology: the city's name is associated with various myths and legends; the original name for the city may have been Dhilli or Dhillika; alternatively, the name could be a corruption of the Hindustani words "dehleez" or "dehali" - both terms meaning "threshold" or "gateway" - and indicative of the city as a gateway to the Gangetic Plain; after the British decided to move the capital of their Indian Empire from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911, they created a new governmental district south of the latter designated as New Delhi; the new capital was not formally inaugurated until 1931

Definitie: Dit item geeft de naam van de zetel van de overheid, de geografische coördinaten , het tijdsverschil ten opzichte van Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) en de tijd die is waargenomen in Washington, DC en, indien van toepassing, informatie over zomertijd (DST) . Waar nodig is een speciale notitie toegevoegd om die landen met meerdere tijdzones te markeren.

Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019

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