Oil - proved reserves(bbl)

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Data Visualization


The objective of this lesson is to learn different different data visualization techniques using country-level geo-demographic data.

Target Audience

All ages


  1. Using the variable values shown in the data table at the bottom of the map, complete the color mapping table so that each color corresponds to a range of values
  2. Paint each country by matching its variable value with a color in the color mapping table. Recommended practice is to use "cool" colors such as blue for low variable values. "Hot" colors such as orange and red should be used for high values.
HighLow  No Value

RankCountryOil - proved reserves(bbl)

Oil - proved reserves(bbl) Definition

This entry is the stock of proved reserves of crude oil in barrels (bbl).  Proved reserves are those quantities of petroleum which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated with a high degree of confidence to be commercially recoverable from a given date forward, from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions.