Cell phone companies in Lebanon

Lebanon > Telecommunications

In September 2010 the penetration rate was estimated at 65.9% over a population estimate of 4.1 million.

Rank Operator Technology Subscribers
(in millions)
1 mtc touch GSM GPRS EDGE UMTS HSPA+ ( newly available) CDMA UMTS BBM[disambiguation needed ] 1.756 M [89] (June 2011) Zain Group 100% (Management Contract)
2 Alfa GSM GPRS EDGE HSPA+ ( newly available) BBM[disambiguation needed ] CDMA UMTS 1.2M [90] (Sept 2011) Orascom Telecom 90% (Management Contract) ( 10%) for Lebanese Governament
3 Ogero Mobile GSM EDGE GPRS not yet available ( can support 50000 customers till now but not active yet) Ogero Telecom (Lebanese government 100%)

Source: Wikipedia

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