Cell phone companies in Laos

Laos > Telecommunications

As of 2009, Laos mobile penetration in Laos is about 49.9% with 3.235 millions subscribers. However, there is no official report from the authorities that can validate this number and it is not clear how a subscriber is defined in this calculation.

Rank Operator Technology Subscribers
(in millions)
Ownership Website
1 LaoTelecom GSM, 3G (14.4 Mbit/s) 1.5[citation needed] Government of Lao P.D.R. (51%), Shennington Investments (Thaicom) (49%) laotel
2 Unitel GSM, 3G (7Mbit/s) 1.2[citation needed] Lao Asia Telecommunication State Enterprise (LAT) (51%), Viettel Global (49%)
3 Beeline GSM, 3G (21 Mbit/s), 4G, WiMAX 0.6[citation needed] VimpelCom (78%), Government of Lao P.D.R. (22%) Beeline
4 ETL Mobile GSM, 3G (7Mbit/s) 0.4[citation needed] Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao (Public, 100%) ETL
5 Sky Telecom

Source: Wikipedia

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