Flag of Corea del Sud

Corea del Sud Profilo Forze Armate

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Forza di lavoro militare - età militare
18-28 anni for compulsory military service; minimum conscript service obligation varies by service- 21 months (Army, Marines), 23 months (Navy), 24 months (Air Force); 18-26 anni for voluntary military service; women, in service since 1950, are able to serve in all branches (2019)
Note:  South Korea intends to reduce the length of military service to 18 – 22 months by 2022
Spesa militari - percento del PIL
2.62% of GDP (2018)
2.7% of GDP (2017)
2.3% of GDP (2016)
2.3% of GDP (2015)
2.64% of GDP (2014)

Fonte: CIA World Factbook - Aggiornato a partire da dicembre 31, 2019