North Dakota Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent bachelor's degree or higher by County

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Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2014-2018 - (Percent)
County Value
Adams 28.6
Barnes 27.2
Benson 15.6
Billings 26.3
Bottineau 23.7
Bowman 24.3
Burke 22.3
Burleigh 35.1
Cass 39.4
Cavalier 21.2
Dickey 26.7
Divide 18.4
Dunn 21.0
Eddy 24.3
Emmons 16.5
Foster 24.1
Golden Valley 28.1
Grand Forks 34.5
Grant 17.4
Griggs 25.9
Hettinger 14.4
Kidder 17.9
LaMoure 24.0
Logan 16.4
McHenry 19.8
McIntosh 16.8
McKenzie 26.1
McLean 20.5
Mercer 21.6
Morton 26.3
Mountrail 20.6
Nelson 22.7
Oliver 18.7
Pembina 20.4
Pierce 19.2
Ramsey 26.1
Ransom 19.7
Renville 17.8
Richland 21.6
Rolette 20.0
Sargent 17.5
Sheridan 10.9
Sioux 16.2
Slope 26.5
Stark 22.9
Steele 27.5
Stutsman 23.5
Towner 18.2
Traill 26.8
Walsh 16.8
Ward 28.3
Wells 22.1
Williams 24.8