Slovak Republic - Net ODA provided, total (% of GNI)

Net ODA provided, total (% of GNI) in Slovak Republic was 0.121 as of 2016. Its highest value over the past 17 years was 0.121 in 2016, while its lowest value was 0.024 in 2002.

Definition: Net Official development assistance (ODA) comprises grants or loans to developing countries and territories on the OECD/DAC list of aid recipients that are undertaken by the official sector with promotion of economic development and welfare as the main objective and at concessional financial terms. It is shown as a share of donors' GNI.

Source: Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, Development Co-operation Report, and International Development Statistics database. Data

See also:

Year Value
1999 0.038
2000 0.031
2001 0.041
2002 0.024
2003 0.046
2004 0.072
2006 0.103
2007 0.093
2008 0.100
2009 0.087
2010 0.085
2011 0.091
2012 0.089
2013 0.093
2014 0.086
2015 0.101
2016 0.121

Periodicity: Annual


Topic: Economic Policy & Debt Indicators

Sub-Topic: Official development assistance