Nicaragua - Number of under-five deaths

The value for Number of under-five deaths in Nicaragua was 2,113 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 60 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 20,998 in 1972 and a minimum value of 2,113 in 2020.

Definition: Number of children dying before reaching age five.

Source: Estimates developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN DESA Population Division) at

See also:

Year Value
1960 17,487
1961 17,577
1962 17,639
1963 17,702
1964 17,748
1965 17,803
1966 17,855
1967 17,923
1968 18,004
1969 18,106
1970 18,187
1971 18,259
1972 20,998
1973 18,176
1974 18,030
1975 17,761
1976 17,385
1977 16,919
1978 16,391
1979 15,813
1980 15,213
1981 14,605
1982 14,005
1983 13,423
1984 12,866
1985 12,352
1986 11,860
1987 11,390
1988 10,928
1989 10,460
1990 9,975
1991 9,478
1992 8,970
1993 8,457
1994 7,938
1995 7,431
1996 6,941
1997 6,476
1998 7,047
1999 5,648
2000 5,298
2001 4,984
2002 4,706
2003 4,459
2004 4,241
2005 4,046
2006 3,866
2007 3,702
2008 3,548
2009 3,403
2010 3,267
2011 3,136
2012 3,006
2013 2,882
2014 2,759
2015 2,641
2016 2,527
2017 2,416
2018 2,311
2019 2,208
2020 2,113

Aggregation method: Sum

Periodicity: Annual


Topic: Health Indicators

Sub-Topic: Mortality