Female share of employment in senior and middle management (%) - North America
Definition: The proportion of females in total employment in senior and middle management. It corresponds to major group 1 in both ISCO-08 and ISCO-88 minus category 14 in ISCO-08 (hospitality, retail and other services managers) and minus category 13 in ISCO-88 (general managers), since these comprise mainly managers of small enterprises.
Description: The map below shows how Female share of employment in senior and middle management (%) varies by country in North America. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the region is United States, with a value of 41.86. The country with the lowest value in the region is Mexico, with a value of 35.52.
Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved in December 2019.
See also: Country ranking, Time series comparison
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Development Relevance: The indicator provides information on the proportion of women who are employed in decision-making and management roles in government, large enterprises and institutions.
Periodicity: Annual