Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) - Country Ranking - Europe

Definition: Official exchange rate refers to the exchange rate determined by national authorities or to the rate determined in the legally sanctioned exchange market. It is calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to the U.S. dollar).

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics.

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

Find indicator:
Rank Country Value Year
1 Hungary 303.14 2021
2 Iceland 126.99 2021
3 Albania 103.52 2021
4 Serbia 99.40 2021
5 North Macedonia 52.10 2021
6 Ukraine 27.29 2021
7 Czech Republic 21.68 2021
8 Moldova 17.68 2021
9 Norway 8.59 2021
10 Sweden 8.58 2021
11 Turkey 7.01 2020
12 Croatia 6.36 2021
13 Denmark 6.29 2021
14 Romania 4.16 2021
15 Poland 3.86 2021
16 Belarus 2.54 2021
17 Bulgaria 1.65 2021
18 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.65 2021
19 Switzerland 0.91 2021
19 Liechtenstein 0.91 2021
21 Lithuania 0.85 2021
21 Luxembourg 0.85 2021
21 Latvia 0.85 2021
21 Monaco 0.85 2021
21 Italy 0.85 2021
21 Ireland 0.85 2021
21 Portugal 0.85 2021
21 Netherlands 0.85 2021
21 Malta 0.85 2021
21 Cyprus 0.85 2021
21 Andorra 0.85 2021
21 Austria 0.85 2021
21 Belgium 0.85 2021
21 Spain 0.85 2021
21 Estonia 0.85 2021
21 Finland 0.85 2021
21 France 0.85 2021
21 Greece 0.85 2021
21 Germany 0.85 2021
21 Slovak Republic 0.85 2021
21 Slovenia 0.85 2021
42 Montenegro 0.85 2021
42 San Marino 0.85 2021
44 United Kingdom 0.73 2021

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Development Relevance: In a market-based economy, household, producer, and government choices about resource allocation are influenced by relative prices, including the real exchange rate, real wages, real interest rates, and other prices in the economy. Relative prices also largely reflect these agents' choices. Thus relative prices convey vital information about the interaction of economic agents in an economy and with the rest of the world.

Limitations and Exceptions: Official or market exchange rates are often used to convert economic statistics in local currencies to a common currency in order to make comparisons across countries. Since market rates reflect at best the relative prices of tradable goods, the volume of goods and services that a U.S. dollar buys in the United States may not correspond to what a U.S. dollar converted to another country's currency at the official exchange rate would buy in that country, particularly when nontradable goods and services account for a significant share of a country's output. An alternative exchange rate - the purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factor - is preferred because it reflects differences in price levels for both tradable and nontradable goods and services and therefore provides a more meaningful comparison of real output.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another. Official exchange rates and exchange rate arrangements are established by governments. Other exchange rates recognized by governments include market rates, which are determined largely by legal market forces, and for countries with multiple exchange arrangements, principal rates, secondary rates, and tertiary rates.

Periodicity: Annual