Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI) - Middle East
Definition: Cost of damage due to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use and the manufacture of cement, estimated to be US$30 per ton of CO2 (the unit damage in 2014 US dollars for CO2 emitted in 2015) times the number of tons of CO2 emitted.
Description: The map below shows how Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI) varies by country in the Middle East. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the region is Turkmenistan, with a value of 7.08. The country with the lowest value in the region is Israel, with a value of 0.68.
Source: World Bank staff estimates based on sources and methods described in "The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018: Building a Sustainable Future" (Lange et al 2018).
See also: Country ranking, Time series comparison
More maps: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World |
Statistical Concept and Methodology: Pollution damage from emissions of carbon dioxide is calculated as the marginal social cost per unit multiplied by the increase in the stock of carbon dioxide. The unit damage figure represents the present value of global damage to economic assets and to human welfare over the time the unit of pollution remains in the atmosphere.
Aggregation method: Weighted average
Periodicity: Annual