Flujos netos de ayuda bilateral de donantes del CAD, Islandia (US$ corrientes) - Ranking de países

Definición: Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors are the net disbursements of official development assistance (ODA) or official aid from the members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Net disbursements are gross disbursements of grants and loans minus repayments of principal on earlier loans. ODA consists of loans made on concessional terms (with a grant element of at least 25 percent, calculated at a rate of discount of 10 percent) and grants made to promote economic development and welfare in countries and territories in the DAC list of ODA recipients. Official aid refers to aid flows from official donors to countries and territories in part II of the DAC list of recipients: more advanced countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the countries of the former Soviet Union, and certain advanced developing countries and territories. Official aid is provided under terms and conditions similar to those for ODA. Part II of the DAC List was abolished in 2005. The collection of data on official aid and other resource flows to Part II countries ended with 2004 data. DAC members are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and European Union Institutions. Regional aggregates include data for economies not specified elsewhere. World and income group totals include aid not allocated by country or region. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Fuente: Comité de Asistencia para el Desarrollo de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, Distribución geográfica de flujos financieros hacia países en desarrollo, Informe de cooperación para el desarrollo y base de datos de las estadísticas internacionales sobre el desarrollo. Los datos están disponibles en siguiente página web: www.oecd.org/dac/stats/idsonline.

Ver también: Mapa, Comparación histórica

Buscar indicador:
Posición País Valor Año
1 Malawi 8,830,000.00 2019
2 Uganda 6,380,000.00 2019
3 Sierra Leona 2,300,000.00 2019
4 República Árabe Siria 1,710,000.00 2019
5 Sri Lanka 890,000.00 2009
6 Yemen, Rep. del 820,000.00 2019
7 Afganistán 570,000.00 2019
8 Liberia 530,000.00 2019
9 Líbano 410,000.00 2019
10 Etiopía 360,000.00 2019
11 Nepal 300,000.00 2015
11 Federación de Rusia 300,000.00 1992
13 Jordania 290,000.00 2019
14 Kenya 250,000.00 2019
15 Venezuela 240,000.00 2019
16 Nigeria 230,000.00 2018
17 Ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia 220,000.00 2007
18 Belarús 190,000.00 2017
19 Colombia 180,000.00 2018
19 Mozambique 180,000.00 2019
19 Iraq 180,000.00 2018
22 Haití 170,000.00 2016
23 Somalia 160,000.00 2018
24 Pakistán 140,000.00 2013
24 Belice 140,000.00 2009
26 Guinea-Bissau 120,000.00 2015
26 Togo 120,000.00 2019
28 Serbia 110,000.00 2015
28 Congo, República del 110,000.00 2017
28 Libia 110,000.00 2016
28 República Centroafricana 110,000.00 2014
28 Cabo Verde 110,000.00 1999
33 Ecuador 100,000.00 2016
33 Côte d'Ivoire 100,000.00 2011
33 Malí 100,000.00 2013
33 Turquía 100,000.00 2019
37 El Salvador 90,000.00 2019
37 Viet Nam 90,000.00 2019
37 Bangladesh 90,000.00 2019
40 Egipto, República Árabe de 80,000.00 2017
40 Indonesia 80,000.00 2019
40 Ucrania 80,000.00 2018
40 Nicaragua 80,000.00 2013
40 Namibia 80,000.00 2014
45 Sudáfrica 70,000.00 2018
45 Georgia 70,000.00 2019
47 Djibouti 60,000.00 2018
47 Sudán 60,000.00 2011
47 Tanzanía 60,000.00 2018
50 Rwanda 50,000.00 2018
50 India 50,000.00 2019
50 Lesotho 50,000.00 2017
53 Kazajstán 40,000.00 2019
54 República de Moldova 30,000.00 2009
54 Gambia 30,000.00 2015
54 Albania 30,000.00 2009
54 Filipinas 30,000.00 2019
58 Bosnia y Herzegovina 20,000.00 2012
59 Fiji 10,000.00 2019
59 Zimbabwe 10,000.00 2018
61 Burkina Faso 0.00 2019