Geflügel (Huhn) Tagespreis


Poultry (chicken), whole body price index based on southern states broiler/fryer parts, FOB dock, US Dollars per kilogram
Price in US cents per pound: 92,88
As of: Freitag, 26. August 2022
Quelle: USDA Market News

Geflügel (Huhn) / Schweinefleisch Price Ratio

Mai 2023 - Apr 2024: -0,413 (-20,08 %)

Beschreibung: Monthly ratio of the price of Geflügel (Huhn) divided by the price of Schweinefleisch

Rate of ChangePrice Ratio

Quelle: US Department of Agriculture; Bloomberg; World Bank.

siehe auch: Agricultural production statistics

MonatGeflügel (Huhn) Price (US-Cents pro Pfund)Schweinefleisch Price (US-Cents pro Pfund)Geflügel (Huhn) ROCSchweinefleisch ROCGeflügel (Huhn) / Schweinefleisch Price Ratio
Mai 20231,5474,82--2,0583
Jun 20231,4785,34-4,55 %14,06 %1,7225
Jul 20231,3799,85-6,80 %17,00 %1,3721
Aug 20231,4296,953,65 %-2,90 %1,4647
Sep 20231,5484,348,45 %-13,01 %1,8259
Okt 20231,5878,642,60 %-6,76 %2,0092
Nov 20231,6772,845,70 %-7,38 %2,2927
Dez 20231,6365,82-2,40 %-9,64 %2,4765
Jan 20241,5767,29-3,68 %2,23 %2,3332
Feb 20241,5274,78-3,18 %11,13 %2,0326
Mrz 20241,5380,860,66 %8,13 %1,8922
Apr 20241,4487,54-5,88 %8,26 %1,6450
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